Stephen Hawking (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

Stephen Hawking is a true inspiration to individuals who are confined to a wheelchair, but still want to have an impact on people around the world. Stephen suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), which is a fatal neuro-degenerative disease, which leads to gradual paralysis over time, eventually rendering the individuals unable to swallow and breathe on their own. Despite the resulting physical limitations, Stephen was brilliant in both mind and spirit and discovered properties of the universe that had never before been imagined.

After being diagnosed with ALS at 21 years-of-age he, would not allow the disease to prevent him from sharing his revolutionary knowledge with the world. Among his numerous discoveries, was the finding that black holes eventually disappeared and that they emitted radiation. His theories can be found in hundreds of textbooks and are studied at universities around the world. Nothing, not even a diagnosis of ALS, could deter Stephen’s determination once he had discovered his passion for the universe and the quantum physics that determine its properties.

Stephen Hawking is one of the most brilliant minds ever to grace this planet. General Relativity and Quantum Physics are subjects that most people cannot even begin to understand, never mind theorize and draw accurate conclusions about, which Stephen did with ease.

Stephen Hawking demonstrates that the brilliance of the mind is not defined nor determined by physical capabilities. He has built a legacy for himself and his findings will provide a foundation for future research.

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